Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Trumpocalypse: The Forward View

What may happen, now that Trump has been elected...

Continuing klutziness. The gaffes will continue. His tweets will drive the news on slow days.

He will continue to change the subject quickly and belligerently when he is being criticized.

The internet will have more than one working group tallying Trump's impeachable offenses.

A dis-investment campaign. Foreign investment in US businesses may dwindle.

A stock market slump as things begin to fall apart. Maybe short sellers will drive it quite a ways down.

For each candidate in Trump's cabinet, a campaign to block their confirmation in Congress. An internet work-group profiling them in depth.

Struggles on the issues will continue. The fight for a national $15/hr minimum wage. The fight to end police brutality. The Bernie platform. The right to safe water.

Further Russian involvement in the Middle East.

China raising its credit rate. We owe them so much. We may need to start paying more interest.

Growing interest in non-violent solutions.

Possible further false-flag military incitements.

Possible alignment with Russia, turning the world against us both.

Possible oil-igarchy, carbon's last stand. Government by Koch Brothers. Scientific truth redefined.

Distributed power generation from alternate sources will continue to take hold. Sun power now cheaper than wind.

Any program that strengthens the safety net will be a battleground.

Validated voting systems will be an issue. Paper ballots will be a desirable.

Voter suppression will be an issue.

Corruption will be a continuing issue. Corporate corruption. The ownership of the world.

Human rights will be a continuing issue. Civil rights. Equal rights. The right to nurture a common good.

The cost of militarism will be a sore thumb for a long time. Pro-active peacemaking may ensure its disuse and dwindling.

Internet architectures will become ever more adaptive, ever more esoteric.

The truth of things will become ever clearer, ever faster.

 Man 's perception of man will become ever more subtle.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016


The president-elect has become a nightmare for Republicans. An embarrassment that grows and grows.

As a candidate, Trump called for Russia to hack his opposition. Russia hacked his opposition. He sent fund-raising letters to the heads of major nations. Told it was improper, he sent more of them. 

Told to divest himself of his business interests, he has failed so far to do so. He must convert to cash. Given that his business runs on credit (from a German bank) he might wind up owing money. So he will never do so. His business will then always be in place for anyone seeking favor.

His choices for members of his cabinet include four billionaires and three retired generals. His choice for Secretary of State, announced yesterday, is an oil man who is a friend of Putin.

Trump has stumbled over diplomacy, upsetting applecarts in the Far East. He said he is too smart to listen to daily intelligence briefings. Trashes the CIA for saying that there was a Russian influence in the US elections. 

He is, after all, the smartest man he knows, as far as he knows.

How soon will he blush? 

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Ten Days To Shake The World

The votes against Hillary Clinton outnumbered the votes against Donald Trump - except that they didn't. In ten days, the Electoral College will be deciding if this matters. Mrs. Clinton is now ahead by 2.7 million votes. However, Mr. Trump has acquired enough electoral votes from low-population states to perhaps decide this election.

Meanwhile, Trump is wasting no time in showing the world what kind of president he will be. He cut his daily intelligence briefing to once-a-week. Called the president of Taiwan, upsetting decades of delicate far-eastern tiptoe diplomacy. He's appointed four billionaires and three retired generals to his cabinet. A good formula for a coup, someone noted.

It appears that Wall Street overplayed their hand by courting Hillary Clinton so aggressively. So visibly. These things are usually done on the QT. The result was a kick in the balls to Goldman Sachs by the working class. Who now own the presidency.

An era of 'neo-liberalism' - of letting the market determine fiscal policy - appears to have ended. Trade deals that move jobs overseas are about to be undone. The feeding of taxpayer dollars to big businesses may end.

Given that Trump is considered by many to be a psychopath and is facing a child rape case, he may not make it to inauguration. Pence, who has a major history of homophobia, may not be a whole lot better. But he's governed, and will probably be our next president.

Wall Street has lost control of the government. Where we go from here is up to the people. An issue-driven electorate can build democracy from the bottom up. Or trash it.

As of morning 12/10/16, Trump has just now put the CIA on his enemies list for exposing the Russian influence on his election. He's doing his best to offend enough people and break enough eggs in the next nine days so that the electoral college will turn him down.

He has nine more days to get himself out of this presidency thing.