Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Trump Dumped

    Failing to inspire enough voters to win re-election, failing to reverse the results with over sixty failed lawsuits, failing to strong-arm the chief vote counter in Georgia into giving him enough votes to win the state, failing to persuade the nation that the election was stolen, failing to stop the House of Representatives' tallying of the electoral votes of the states by raising a violent mob that invaded Congress, failing to begin to raise a mob that could block the inauguration, former United States President Donald Trump is once again a plain citizen.

   In New York, both the state tax people and the federal tax people want to have a long talk with him about his creatively inventive tax filings.

   In Florida, there's only a federal prosecutor over in Georgia who will be wanting to have him talk to them about his phone call asking the vote counter to give him votes he didn't get.

   If he does travel abroad, he may have a problem with Interpol.  Trump killed an Iranian politician he didn't like, just out of the blue.  Iran has filed a "Red Alert" with Interpol.  They want to have a long talk with him about it.  In person.

   Mr. Trump has been impeached a second time by Congress.  If the Senate confirms the impeachment, then he will lose the protection of his lifetime Secret Service detail.  He will never be able to run for office again.

   His reign has been like continuous grand opera.  Dramatic with flourishes, glamorized performers, pizzazz and lots of baloney hiding underneath it all.  Never-ending, like Wagner's "Ring Cycle".

   But now the opera may come to a final act, where a light comes on down a hall behind some bars, and a voice asks, "Sir, it's suppertime.  Would you like your beans with or without the hot sauce tonight?" 

  The curtain falls.


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