Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Waterboarding President

Washington was chain-sawed this week by the revelation that Jose Rodriguez, retiring director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, had ordered destroyed two CIA torture tapes. These tapes contained hundreds of hours of interrogation video including the waterboarding of two CIA detainees.

A federal judge had already told them not to do it.

Evidence has now been destroyed. Justice has been obstructed. The Geneva Convention has been broken and the proof destroyed.

Now our troops can be tortured and the world won't give a damn. Hello, recruiters!

Hello, Commander in Chief.

The head of the CIA, Michael Hayden, resplendent and beribboned in his military uniform, something he wore on his previous job and which he apparently loves very much, told the press that the tapes had been destroyed to protect he identity of the torturers so that Al Queda couldn't seek revenge.

Then one of the torturers spoke up, identified himself, and said that it was torture and that he'd never do it again. But that it had been effective.

How effective is anyone's guess, since he didn't remember what was said, only that many plots were revealed. Many, many plots.

He also said that each and every act of waterboarding required approval from the highest authorities. A paper trail was laid.

Meanwhile, our new bedrock conservative Attorney General Mukasey is fumbling around trying to reconcile our torturous acts with the fact that we convicted a Japanese soldier of torture for waterboarding at the end of the Second World War.

Waterboarding is a well-defined act of torture. The world community sees it that way.

Did George Bush sign off on it?


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