Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Bursting Dam

Are Republicans getting nailed as Justice rights itself?

"Fast Eddie" Vrdolyak, the Chicago alderman who led a Republican clique that blocked much of Mayor Washington's good works is now under indictment.

The new Republican governor of Nevada is facing an FBI probe for money laundering.

Ben Stevens, the son of Alaska Senator Ted Stevens, is on the verge of being indicted.

The FBI just searched the home of Representative John Doolittle of California.

Timothy Griffin - the Karl Rove assistant who was arbitrarily swapped into the position of US Attorney for the Eastern District of Arkansas by the firing of his predecessor - US Attorney Timothy Griffin himself may soon be under investigation for felony voter fraud.

US Attorneys now need to prove their independence. The world is watching.

Crimes committed by the Justice Department in pursuit of Republican election victory continue to surface. In Milwaukee, an innocent woman has been ruined, her home taken, her reputation destroyed so that a Republican could be elected governor.

Surely, she will sue. Such a civil suit could document crimes and even more crimes in the Department.

Meanwhile, a long list of other branches of government that were recruited into ensuring Republican victory suggests that violations of the Hatch Act may abound.

Another golden opportunity for US Attorneys to prove their non-partisan professionalism.

A thousand crimes beget a million questions.


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