Monday, August 07, 2006

Can We Sow The Seeds Of Creation?

We are sowing the seeds of destruction.

"And the world wonders how ‘terrorists’ are created! A 15-year-old Lebanese girl lost five of her siblings and her parents and home in the Qana bombing… Ehud Olmert might as well kill her now because if he thinks she’s going to grow up with anything but hate in her heart towards him and everything he represents, then he’s delusional."

This comes from Baghdad Burning, a blog written by a young Baghdad resident.

For whose destruction do we sow these seeds?

Visualize a fleet of bombers in the sky, determinedly carrying school buses through the air, big yellow school buses, while in the distance yellow buses descend on parachutes. How does this make you feel?

Isn't this how you'd rather feel?


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