Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Week of Stunning Change

Saturday night, 8:34 PM 11/24/13.  Six minutes ago McClatchy News reported that "Iran has reached agreement with the West on an interim nuclear deal". This means that there will be no war with Iran, no matter how much Israel pouts and storms.

On Thursday November 21st, the Senate voted to eliminate filibusters on most presidential appointments. Too many appointments were being held up for petty political reasons. 50 "Yes" votes, not 60, are now required for an appointment to be accepted. The Senate now has 53 Democrats and two Independents who caucus with the Democrats. Republicans can no longer hobble the Obama administration by blocking his chosen leaders for the Executive branch from running their departments. They can no longer attach generic wish lists to appointments.

This rule change stands as a warning - other rules that require 60 votes can similarly be discarded if they are misused.  

On Wednesday November 20th, Vermont approved their own state level single-payer healthcare system.
"The slogan of the program: Everybody in, nobody out."   

On November 18th, Secretary of State John Kerry said that the Monroe Doctrine is dead. It has guided two centuries of American domination of South American countries. It died something of a natural death: it has been invoked less and less in recent years as a reason for our influence there. But once upon a time, it justified our converting democracies into banana republics. No more.

A bill that will ease the resettling elsewhere of the detainees at Guantanamo is before Congress.

A bill that will make public the level of civilian deaths due to drone strikes is before Congress.

And surely there will be more.


Saturday, November 16, 2013

The Thorn Of Drones

I spent years trying to help a friend pull an emotional thorn out of his hand. Finally I discovered that the thorn that was hurting him was growing from his hand. He was born in pain. He lived in pain so he could know he was living. He caused pain.

Drones that kill are such a thorn. They hurt the sender and the recipient. They inspire retaliation. Their use is not clean.

Last spring, in a graduation speech at the War College, President Obama said that the military is becoming more and more obsolete and that it is being replaced by the NSA and drones, which accomplish the same goals at a fraction of the cost.

A week later, the Snowden material began to be released, and the NSA was no longer a secret. The NSA became an object to be investigated. Its compromise of our liberty may not be worth the extra security it brings. In recent weeks, America's use of drones has been similarly targeted. Drones have flaws. They hurt people we don't want to hurt.

Perhaps the saddest result of drone warfare is that a drone-fired missile kills not only the individual who is targeted, it kills everyone around him as well. Civilians are killed.

There are growing calls to end the use of drones. Targeted killings by the military are beginning to undercut the efforts of the State Department to make peace. The deaths of people who are blithely killed by desk jockeys playing a computer game in a country far away cause damage to our greater effort.

Just as the flow of news about the NSA is reining in their excesses, so may the story of America's self-destructive use of drones rein in the excesses of targeted killing. Here is a blog about drones that I just started, something to collect links to the unfolding story. It is called   The Thorn Of Drones.

I hope that peaceful means can serve to make a more peaceful world. Killing by drone is not a peaceful means. It does not bring peace.

Friday, November 01, 2013

The Global War On Terror Becomes A War On Privacy

Here is a third installment in the ongoing tale of the NSA's growth from an anti-terror organization into an anti-dissent tool. The story continues to unfold. People are being watched. People are watching back. And the NSA is not ready for close scrutiny.

As inquisitive humans continue to explore and expose this central office of intelligence, its opposite is more and more taking shape. The secret spy center has become a mystery to be unraveled, a story wanting to be told. While it clings to its secrets, it is surrounded more and more closely by "dark holes" into which secret information can be dropped by whistleblowers. This secret information then gets passed to a waiting public.

Knowledge may thrive, but no secrets will survive.

       Overview of the over-viewers:

 06/05/13 - 10/11/13   The NSA Files  - The Guardian's Overview 
                        The forty major stories so far...

 09/11/13 oen      Gems Mined from the NSA Documents and FISA Court Opinions Released

09/21/13 aclu   The Ten Most Disturbing Things You Should Know About the FBI Since 9/11

10/23/13 wapo     Former NSA chief:  NSA and U.S. Cyber Command are now ‘indistinguishable’
The head of the NSA happens also to be the head of the U.S. Cyber Command. 
10/24/13 jc     How the US Government Betrayed the Constitution and Invented an Imaginary Fascist One

        How the NSA got here:

10/21/13 dd        A psychological history of the NSA

       The slender thread of case law that makes NSA legal:

10/09/13 jc    How a Purse Snatching Led to the Legal Justification for NSA Domestic Spying

       The NSA has been collecting more and more data.  "Collect it all!" is the idea.

09/19/13 y       Anti-terror program tracks innocents, ACLU says
"An off-duty supervising dispatcher with Sacramento P.D. noticed a female subject taking pictures of the outside of the post office in Folsom on Riley Street this morning. The female departed as a passenger in a silver Mazda."
09/26/13 cbs      Watching you: When and where you may be tracked

 09/26/13 hufpo     Keith Alexander: In Best Interest Of U.S. To 'Put All The Phone Records' Into A Searchable 'Lockbox'

09/28/13 bb     DiFi admits that the NSA is wiretapping the Internet's backbone

10/02/13 du  NSA director admits agency trawls Twitter/Facebook but insists they are NOT building personal files on Americans

10/10/13  gdn     The double danger of the NSA's 'collect it all' policy on surveillance

10/11/13 td         The Data Hackers: 
"... Inside your mobile phone and hidden behind your web browser are little known software products, marketed by contractors to the government, that can follow you around anywhere."    

         The NSA collects what's in your computer's email address books:
10/14/12 wapo       NSA collects millions of e-mail address books globally

10/14/13 reu      U.S. spy agency collects millions of email address lists: report

10/14/13 bb     Report: The NSA collects half a million buddy lists and inboxes a day. Is one of them yours?

10/15/13 jc            Now the NSA has your Little Black Book

         The NSA is keeping lists of everyone's friends:

09/28/13 nyt      N.S.A. GathersData on Social Connections of U.S. Citizens

09/30/13 aw        White House Defends NSA ‘Social Mapping’ of Americans

09/30/13 td               NSA Creates Social Profiles of U.S. Citizens

      There is no limit to the information the government collects:

09/07/13 du    Computer program uses Twitter to 'map mood of nation'  (and this may be legal~ed)
"They claim Emotive could help calm civil unrest and identify early threats to public safety."    (Such as picketing the White House....?)
 09/07/13 du       New Docs Show NSA Can Access User Data From All Major Cell Phones - -  Including iPhone, Android

09/08/13 hufpo          NSA Can Access Most Smartphone Data, Der Spiegel Reports

09/08/13 y                      Ruling allowed NSA search of domestic email

09/12/13 frbs        E-ZPasses Get Read All Over New York (Not Just At Toll Booths)

09/13/13 w           FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack

09/29/13  td                         NSA Agent Spied on Women for Years

10/07/13 ajz            Report: Government data collection imperils liberty and security

10/17/13 brnc         The U.S. Government’s Secrecy Problem Just Got Worse  

10/08/13 fp         Hostile Takeover: Now the NSA Wants to Snoop on Wall Street, too

10/30/13 h           NSA Broke Into Yahoo, Google Data Centers: Report 

10/30/13 tpm   NSA Chief: 'To My Knowledge' Agency Didn't Tap Google, Yahoo Data Centers
(General Keith Alexander pretending not to know about NSA program 'Muscular'...)

        The information is dispersed to our allies:

09/12/13 jc    US NSA Gives Israel Raw Intelligence on US Citizens (Chamberlain)

       Accumulating all this data accomplishes nothing:

10/21/13 atlntc      Why the NSA's Defense of Mass Data Collection Makes No Sense
"The U.S. intelligence community claims it's not spying on citizens until someone actually looks at the data it collects. That argument is deeply flawed."

       Businesses have been forced to help the NSA spy on people:

09/27/13 td     The One Telco Exec Who Resisted The NSA Has Been Released From 4+ Years In Jail

10/01/13 du              A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks.

09/25/13 rt          Attorneys for shuttered email service Lavabit ask court to unseal case files

10/03/13 bb                Unsealed Lavabit docs show that Feds demanded SSL keys

10/07/13 tny                           How Lavabit Melted Down

10/11/13 gdn       Skype under investigation in Luxembourg over link to NSA

10/11/13 du    Amid NSA Outrage, Big Tech Companies Plan to Track You Even More Aggressively

10/17/12 bb      Apple: Rebutting Apple's claim of Imessage security: Apple can too spy on users

10/22/13 bb         VPN company shuts down after Lavabit case demonstrates threat of state-ordered, secret self-sabotage

10/23/13 tpm              Facebook Eliminates Feature That Lets Users Hide From Search

        Some businesses are in the business of inventing spy tools for the government:

10/02/13 mccy   Senate intelligence committee director denies NSA collects data on Americans’ cellphone locations   ...Correct... It's the FBI that tracks phone locations, not the NSA (see next link below)...

Read more here:
10/09/13 jc    Big Brother’s little Brothers: How Surveillance Companies Mine your Info for the Gov’t
"Harris Corporation provides technology to the FBI to track, via our mobile phones, where we go"

       Some businesses resist being forced to work with the spy system:
09/10/13 td    FLYING PIG: The NSA Is Running Man In The Middle Attacks Imitating Google's Servers

        "Back doors" have been installed in hardware/software by the makers that allow the NSA entry - and anyone else, too:

09/11/13 bb     How the feds asked Microsoft to backdoor BitLocker, their full-disk encryption tool

10/03/13 bb           EFF: the NSA has endangered us all by sabotaging security
"NSA has deliberately weakened the security that ensures the integrity of the banking system, aviation control, embedded systems in everything from cars to implanted defibrillators, as well as network infrastructure, desktop computers, cloud servers, laptops, phones, tablets, TVs, and other devices."
10/08/13 sln         NSA’s hardware back doors may still be a “problem from hell”  

          NSA forced a standards committee to put a "back door" into encryption standards: 

09/05/13 LAT        Latest Snowden revelation: NSA sabotaged electronic locks 
"In an era in which businesses, as well as the average consumer, trust secure networks and technologies for sensitive transactions and private communications online, it’s incredibly destructive for the NSA to add flaws to such critical infrastructure."
 09/08/13 bb             Firsthand account of NSA sabotage of Internet security standards

09/09/13 bb                         What NSA sabotage does to security

09/10/13 bb                This is the crypto standard that the NSA sabotaged

       Other nations are distressed and offended: 
09/08/13 jc       NSA Spying: Indian Gov’t Bans Employee Google Use as Euro Parliament Weighs Law Fining Cooperative Firms

09/08/13 wapo      Brazilian TV show says U.S. spied on state-run Petrobras oil firm, cites NSA documents

09/13/13 oen        Brazil Launches Investigation Of NSA Spying Allegations

09/17/13 tpm       Brazilian President's State Visit To White House Cancelled After Spying Flap

09/18/13 jc      Brazilian President Snubs Obama: How US Cyber Espionage will Destroy the Internet

09/25/13 th              NSA planted bugs at India's missions in D.C., U.N.

09/25/13 td               Brazilian President Speaks Out Against U.S. Spying

10/06/13 gdn   Cabinet was told nothing about GCHQ spying programmes, says Chris Huhne
"Cabinet ministers and members of the national security council were told nothing about the existence and scale of the vast data-gathering programmes run by British and American intelligence agencies, a former member of the government has revealed."
10/20/13 hufpo          NSA Hacked Mexican Presidents' Email For Years: Report 

10/20/13 du                  Uruguay's president quips about alleged US espionage
10/24/13 du                'Out of Hand': Europe Furious Over US Spying Allegations
"The newest allegations of US spying have unleashed a torrent of criticism and concern in Europe. If suspicions unearthed by SPIEGEL that the US tapped Chancellor Merkel's cell phone turn out to be true, the ramifications for trans-Atlantic ties could be immense." 
10/25/13 hufpo        Divided EU Responds To NSA Spying Scandal 

10/25/13 bb                 NSA spied on 35 world leaders
"A leaked 2006 memo from the NSA to staffers in the White House, State and the Pentagon asked them to search their rolodexes for the personal numbers of world leaders so the Agency could spy on them." 
10/25/13 du    NSA Spying Not Very Focused on Terrorism: Power, Money and Crushing Dissent Are Real Motives Ops
"One unnamed US official handed over 200 numbers, including those of the 35 world leaders, none of whom is named. These were immediately “tasked” for monitoring by the NSA." - Guardian
10/26/13 tpm         Report: U.S. Tracked Merkel's Cell Phone Since 2002

10/26/13 hp     NSA Collected Data On 60 Million Phone Calls In Spain Over Course Of One Month: Report

10/26/13 du      Exclusive: 21 Nations Line Up Behind U.N. Effort to Restrain NSA

10/14/13  nyt             Clapper and Carney Get Slippery on Surveillance
"Then, yesterday, Der Spiegel reported that German Chancellor Angela Merkel asked Mr. Obama “for a thorough explanation of serious indications that U.S. intelligence agencies had declared her private mobile phone to be a target in their operations.”

The White House press secretary, Jay Carney said, “The president assured [Merkel] that the United States is not monitoring and will not monitor the communications” of the chancellor.” Please note: IS not monitoring and WILL NOT monitor. The allegation, unaddressed, was that the United States HAD been monitoring her calls (until it was caught in the act)."
 10/31/13 tpm   NSA Surveillance Threatens U.S. Efforts Abroad
"Secretary of State John Kerry went to Europe to talk about Mideast peace, Syria and Iran. What he got was an earful of outrage over U.S. snooping abroad."

       The British are similarly invasive:

10/25/13 gdn       Leaked memos reveal GCHQ efforts to keep mass surveillance secret

10/26/13 bb     UK spies were terrified that the willing cooperation of telcos would get out; understood they were breaking the law

       The NSA (and the Brits) think the solution to their exposure is to stop the presses:

10/25/12 gdn      As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media

10/28/13 gdn     David Cameron makes veiled threat to media over NSA and GCHQ leaks

       The NSA is a law unto itself. It lies to the President:

09/10/13 tpm       U.S. Officials: NSA Phone Record Collection Violated Privacy Protections 

09/20/13 bb       Report: Dept of Justice ethics watchdog didn't look into judges' NSA concerns

09/25/13 bb              Secret Cold War docs show NSA spied on senators back then
09/30/13 td                 NSA Holds Internet Records Longer Than Obama Said

09/10/13 y                   Docs:  Officials misused US surveillance program
"U.S. officials for nearly three years accessed data on thousands of domestic phone numbers they shouldn't have and then misrepresented their actions to a secret spy court to reauthorize the government's surveillance program, documents released Tuesday show."
09/12/13 w    6 Whopping Government Misstatements About NSA Spying

10/28/13 jc America’s Secret 4th Branch of Government: The NSA kept even Obama in the Dark

10/31/13 bb         NSA spokesmen told to just say "9/11" to deflect criticism

       The DEA is even worse:

10/23/13 du    Massive Snooping (makes NSA look like rank amateurs) by the DEA via ATT into our phone records...
"The "Hemisphere Project" keeps track of every phone call going through an ATT switch, going back 26 years -- adding about 4 billion new call records per day.

        The surveillance apparatus decides for itself how powerful it should be:

09/25/13  cbs     Independent NSA spying review not so independent
The Director of National Intelligence is reviewing the NSA. Not an independent, as was promised.

       The cost to America:

09/11/13 blbg       NSA Spying Seen Risking Billions in U.S. Technology Sales

       Exigency rules the land.  Justice is defiled.

09/12/13 to     When the Police Become a Standing Army, Liberty is Sacrificed Without Security

09/18/13 hufpo   Nameless And Shameless:  Masked DEA Agents Raid Innocent Women, Refuse To Reveal Their Identities

09/22/13 du        Destroying the Right to Be Left Alone

09/28/13 du      AP: Journalist Glenn Greenwald to Investigate the NSA's Role in Washington's Assassination Program

10/09/13 nj         Soon, Drones May Be Able to Make Lethal Decisions on Their Own

10/17/13 hufpo      NSA Involvement In Drone Program Revealed In Documents 
 "The National Security Agency has been extensively involved in the U.S. government's targeted killing program... "

       Censorship requires privacy loss:

09/06/13 bb            UK censorwall bans VPNs:
"The only way to stop Internet users from accessing "bad" websites is to spy on all their Internet traffic (you have to look at all their traffic in order to interdict the forbidden sites). So it follows that any censorship system must also ban any privacy/security tools."

        Enforcers decide that dissent equals terrorism

09/25/13  gdn    UK detention of Reprieve activist consistent with NSA's view of drone opponents as 'threats' and 'adversaries'

09/26/13 oen   The Federal Government's War on Martin Luther King Went Far beyond NSA Taps
"They talked ominously of "neutralizing" him as an effective leader. And even more ominously they sent him a poison pen letter flatly saying "King you are done" and suggesting he kill himself."
10/07/13 du        NC legislature police chief says ‘anarchists’ from ‘Moral Monday’ protests on watch list
"General Assembly Police Chief Jeff Weaver testified to a murmur of disbelief among the many lawyers attending the Wake County District Court hearing that his 18-officer department had people in this region they labeled “anarchists” and collected intelligence on them." 
10/09/13 du    Virginia State Police Surveilled And Recorded License Plates At Routine Political Gatherings
10/18/13 to   Report Finds Police Worldwide Criminalize Dissent, Assert New Powers in Crackdown on Protests

10/18/13  to    Canadian Police Use Military Tactics to Disperse Indigenous Anti-Fracking Blockade

       Citizens cope with privacy loss:

09/09/13 gdn            How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch

09/18/13 bb            Browser plugin that adds NSA-trolling keywords to the URLs you load

09/19/13 bb                          Grumpy cat wants a gnu Internet

10/25/13 du         Who's watching you? Track the trackers with new Web tool

10/25/13 eff       Ten Steps You Can Take Right Now Against Internet Surveillance

      Reform of the intelligence process is beginning:

09/06/13 aw       Surveillance State Repeal Act Would Ban NSA ‘Back Doors’

09/06/13 td        Surveillance State Legislation Would Bar Some NSA Decryption

09/07/13 mj          Google Redoubles Effort to Thwart NSA Surveillance

09/12/13 bb                    EFF's guide to NSA reform bills

09/11/13 du          Senator Pat Leahy: Bulk collection of metadata must stop
09/12/13 hufpo   Parts Of Secret Yahoo Court Order Will Be Declassified, Justice Department Says

09/13/13 gdn             Time to tame the NSA behemoth trampling our rights

09/16/13 wapo        ACLU calls on Obama, Congress to rein in power of the FBI

09/25/13 du               Senators Push Bill to End Phone Record Collection

09/30/12 cnn         Former NSA contractor designs 'surveillance-proof' font

09/30/13  rsn     NSA Spying Creates a New Data Haven Industry. Government Stimulus at Work!

10/01/2013 aw         California Governor Signs Ban on NDAA Detentions:
"State Will Not Cooperate With Any Federal Attempts to Detain Californians -

"The NDAA allows the president to place people into indefinite detention by the US military without charges or a trial on “national security” grounds and has sparked a series of lawsuits from Americans who fear detention as political dissidents."
10/10/13 gdn      Patriot Act author prepares bill to put NSA bulk collection 'out of business

10/10/13 gdn     The USA Freedom Act: a look at the key points of the draft bill
10/11/13 aw        FISA Court: NSA Can Keep Collecting Your Phone Records

   "Several different bills are currently going through Congress which would eliminate the legal provisions under which the surveillance authority is requested, and would keep the NSA from bringing such requests to the FISA courts."
10/17/13 nyt    Europe Moves to Shield Citizens’ Data

10/30/13 nyt   No U.S. Action, So States Move on Privacy Law

    Making the NSA a laughing stock helps the process along:
09/11/13 bb       Iranian filmmaker punks NSA again   "Because a lot of my friends (and other people who posted a comment on our channel) were concerned that I might get in trouble with NSA after my telephone call last week, I decided to call NSA again and ask them whether I have anything to fear from the agency."

10/24/13  hp   Former NSA Director Isn't Too Thrilled About Having His Private Conversations Tweeted
        Belly up, NSA's innards are now becoming public:

09/10/13 tpm    The NSA Machine: Too Big For Anyone To Understand
   "Newly declassified documents released Tuesday tell a story of a surveillance apparatus so unwieldy and complex that nobody fully comprehended it, even as the government pointed it at the American people in the name of protecting them."

09/10/13 bb    NSA reveals that it illegally gathered thousands of phone records, to the appalled astonishment of FISA court judge

09/12/13 du     Yahoo CEO Mayer: we faced jail if we revealed NSA surveillance secrets

09/13/13 tpm    U.S. To Declassify Secret 2008 Order That Made Yahoo Turn Over Customer Data

09/26/13 du           Official sidesteps queries on cellphone locations
 "Alexander says his agency can only collect such data with an individual court order. But he did not say whether the agency had ever collected information about locations from which cellphone calls are made."

   "Wyden is a longtime critic of NSA surveillance methods. Earlier this year, he questioned Director of National Intelligence James Clapper about whether U.S. intelligence gathered the records of millions of Americans. Clapper said no, but had to apologize later when leaks by a former NSA systems analyst revealed the bulk collection of U.S. telephone records and email data." 

    All this effort is not foiling any terrorist plots - just wasting money:

10/08/13 aw   Fun Fact: NSA’s Collection of Americans’s MetaData Doesn’t Make Us Safer
"this single successful prosecution, under a vague criminal statute, which stopped a few thousand dollars from reaching one side in a local conflict in the Horn of Africa, is the sole success story for the NSA bulk domestic surveillance program."

10/24/13 pp  The NSA's Big Terrorism Claim Doesn't Hold Up

10/11/13 aw         The NSA Isn’t Foiling Terrorist Plots

     The NSA director, General Keith Alexander, has admitted lying and will retire soon:

09/15/13 du  Inside the mind of NSA chief Gen Keith Alexander
A lavish Star Trek style bridge that he had constructed as part of his 'Information Dominance Center' is endlessly revealing...  the cost: over a hundred million dollars...
09/16/13 bb    Video of top NSA spook Gen'l Alexander's Starship Enterprise clone/Information Dominance Center

09/25/13 aw   NSA Chief Defends Collecting Americans’ Phone Records

10/15/13 aw   No, NSA Surveillance Wouldn’t Have Prevented 9/11 And It Hasn’t Foiled a Single Terror Plot 
"The problem is that NSA Director Alexander says a lot of things that aren’t true. Back in June, he claimed that NSA’s bulk collection of call records and Internet activity disrupted 54 “terror plots.” Early this month, the Senate Judiciary Committee got Alexander to admit that this claim was wrong and misleading..."
10/12/13 nyt       N.S.A. Director Firmly Defends Surveillance Efforts
 "The director of the National Security Agency, Gen. Keith B. Alexander, said in an interview that to prevent terrorist attacks he saw no effective alternative to the N.S.A.’s bulk collection of telephone and other electronic metadata from Americans."

        The government is in a tizzy:

10/11/13 bb  NSA chiefs confiding in their allies: Obama is hanging us out to dry

10/21/13 hufpo    U.S. Army Says Only Two Brigades Fully Trained Amid Budget Cuts, Fiscal Uncertainty 

       The NSA loses its best defender - Dianne Feinstein:

10/28/13 tpm   Official:  Feinstein's Statement On Intel Collection Not Accurate
"Earlier in the day, Feinstein said: “The White House has informed me that collection on our allies will not continue, which I support."

The official said that statement is not accurate."
At that point, Feinstein lost her temper. 
10/28/13 y     NSA official: 'We're really screwed now:'
"We're really screwed now," the official said. "You know things are bad when the few friends you've got disappear without a trace in the dead of night and leave no forwarding address."
10/28/13 fp    'We're Really Screwed Now':  NSA's Best Friend Just Shivved The Spies
"In a pointed statement issued today, Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dianne Feinstein said she was "totally opposed" to gathering intelligence on foreign leaders and said it was "a big problem" if President Obama didn't know the NSA was monitoring the phone calls of German Chancellor Angela Merkel."
"Perhaps most significant is her announcement that the intelligence committee "will initiate a review into all intelligence collection programs."

"Republican hawk John McCain, for instance, is now calling for a special select committee to investigate U.S. spying."
10/28/13 du        White House official sees need for 'constraints' on NSA spying

10/28/13 aw          NSA Staff Angry at Obama’s Attempts to Distance Himself

10/28/13 gdn    NSA review panel to present Obama with dossier on surveillance reforms

10/28/13 aw           Key Lawmakers Turn Against NSA,  Back Reform Bill

10/29/13 du    Top intelligence officials called to testify on NSA surveillance programs

10/29/13 jc         Elites Stick together...   Feinstein Slams NSA Merkel Tap
Juan Cole notes that Merkel is 'one of us'...
".... the news that German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s personal cell phone was monitored by the NSA has finally made waves in Washington. Senator Dianne Feinstein, who vocally defended mass electronic surveillance of the American public and who wants to introduce legislation regularizing it, professes to find the Merkel tap unseemly."

... the German Chancellor is a European white person, a peer of the politicians in Washington, and it is not gentlemanly or ladylike to spy on their persons."
10/29/13 hp    James Clapper: Spying On Leaders Not Significant Enough To Tell Congress

       Spying on citizens and foreign leaders is not about terror:

10/28/13 pol               Glenn Greenwald: Spying not about terror

10/29/13 cbs      EU official alleges NSA sought economic edge for U.S.

       Circling the wagons:
10/17/13  ajz       The US government's secrecy problem just got worse
   Now, the government can classify and hide any document that they think might possibly be used by others to incite people against us. Or which might make people think a little less of us.
"Perhaps even more disturbing, this justification for secrecy will be strongest when the U.S. government's conduct most clearly violates accepted international norms. Evidence of human rights abuses against foreign nationals, for instance, is particularly likely to spark hostility abroad."

"The judge in al-Qahtani's case showed no such restraint. She held that the photos and videos were properly classified because "it (is) both logical and plausible that extremists would utilize images of al-Qahtani ... to incite anti-American sentiment, to raise funds, and/or to recruit other loyalists."

When CCR pointed out that this result was speculative, the judge responded that "it is bad law and bad policy to second-guess the predictive judgments made by the government’s intelligence agencies." In short, the government may classify information, not because that information reveals tactical or operational secrets but because the conduct it reveals could in theory anger existing enemies or create new ones."
10/31/13 tpm   Report: Obama Scales Back Eavesdropping Of U.N. Headquarters

       The inevitability of leaks:

09/08/13 bb    NSA leaks as a demographic phenomena

   "Many will also believe in openness, especially the hacker types the NSA needs to recruit."

       A new plot line develops: empower the whistleblowers: 

09/18/13 jc      How the National Security State Creates its own Whistleblowers

10/15/13  bb          Freedom of the Press Foundation Launches  SecureDrop, an Open-Source Submission Platform for Whistleblowers

10/16/13 du       Wikileaks In A Box: SecureDrop Is WhistleBlower Communication Tool For Media
"... the Freedom of the Press Foundation has launched SecureDrop, an anonymous submission tool for secure communications between sources and journalists."
10/15/13 bb    Greenwald leaves Guardian for new venture backed by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar (updated)    Perhaps he anticipates a lot of whistle-blowing. There are certainly a lot of whistles that can be blown.

10/29/13 td   Greenwald and Friends Add Two Journalists to News Venture

     If Glenn Greenwald's new venture brings whistle-blower reports to the world, he will have perfected the automation of the news-gathering process. And the news will be what it should be.

The NSA, which has had a corner on secrecy, is finding itself surrounded by information vacuums which are sweeping up secrets left and right and releasing them to a global audience.

Knowledge may thrive, but no secrets will survive.